
Thursday, May 26, 2016

Making Connections Like A Spider Makes A Web

During group reading time yesterday Deevon's group read the book 'Sausages'. In the book Tom and Dad see Mum sleeping and dad says 'Sh-sh-sh!' as they sneak past her to find the sausages in the fridge.

Nobody in Deevon's group knew what sound s and h make when they go together but then Deevon did some great thinking. "It's sh!" he said. "Like 'sheep'." He pointed across the room to a poster Miss McKenna had put up of sounds different letters make when they go together.

Well done for making connections Deevon - that was great thinking! Just like a spider makes connections when it lays out its web and joins pieces of silk together to make its web strong - you were pulling together pieces of information together to help your brain get stronger and learn. And you helped your group with their learning too!

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