
Sunday, March 13, 2016

"Are You The Wolf?"

Every time Miss Ewen goes past Room Two the children ask her excitedly "Are you the wolf?". That's because they love one of the games we've been playing in P.E. It's a bit like "What's the time Mr. Wolf?" except the children have to creep silently behind Miss Ewen and then freeze when she turns around and ask her "Are you the wolf?" If she says no and turns around the children continue to creep quietly after her. When she turns around again they repeat the question, "Are you the wolf?" Eventually she says yes and chases them all back to the start - and if they're not quick enough (or they've crept too close to her and can't get away quickly enough) they might be caught - like Deevon in the photo below!

This week in P.E. we focused on tennis skills (holding a racket correctly with two hands and practising hitting a ball while moving). The children had fun with this and there were some great hits made - we might have some budding future tennis stars in Rooms One and Two! Here are a few photos:

Aden about to make contact with the ball.

Joseph keeping his eye on the ball and about to make a hit.

Valentino after a great shot.

Cyprus aiming carefully for the ball.

Ceazah-Blue giving it a go.

We also continued to work on our throwing and catching skills. This week our focus was on underarm throwing. We had to make our arm like an elephant's trunk and swing our beanbag into the coloured hoop that was called out. The hoops were actually 'battleships' and if we got four beanbags in the targeted hoop we sunk it - this game was lots of fun and we are getting better with our aim and throwing. Well done Rooms One and Two!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Room 2 you really are a great class of enthusiastic learners. Yes, do keep your eye on the ball.
    Thanks for sharing your learning with us
