Last week we had some special visitors come and visit our school. Iliyas (Room One) and Vincent's (Room Six) eldest sister, Azaria, came with her dance group to perform for all of us.
Azaria's dance group is really good and they are going to perform at the World Hip Hop Dance Championships later this year. We watched them dance and then they invited some children and teachers to come up and have a go!
At the end of their performance we took a photo with all the dancers and their coach. We used our hands to create crowns like they do. When we went back to our classroom we were talking so much about the dancing. We were so excited after seeing the performance and decided to write about our experience to tell you all about it.
Here are our stories:
This morning we went to the hall to watch the people dancing. I saw Itu and I saw Isi when we got out of the hall when the people were dancing. By Aden
Today Azaria's Royal Family came to Christ the King Catholic School. I like the girl who was wiggling fast. By Ashleigh
Today we had a surprise. The man did a flip. By Valentino
I like the dancing. By Elena
The girl is dancing because they practise. By Aubrey
The girl is dancing faster. By Helina
Today we saw people dancing in the hall. It was cool. By Deevon
I like the dancing. by Ken
Today at school we went to watch a dance group and there were cool dance moves. By Rosina
I like my mum and my baby. My mum take a picture. By Ceazah-Blue
Azaria was dancing with her friends. By Tevita
Ashleigh and Ken worked hard on their stories and remembered their learning goals. Ashleigh spent time making sure her story made sense and used interesting punctuation in it (capital letters, full stops...and an apostrophe!). Ken carefully worked on his story - finding words on the word card and putting finger spaces between words. Well done Ashleigh and Ken!
As the best writing of the day, Miss McKenna chose Ashleigh and Ken to share their work with Mrs Kopua. They read their stories to Mrs Kopua and she wanted to give them a Principal's Award but didn't have any stickers left - so she gave them seven stars for Matariki instead. Cool!
Thank you to the parents who stayed to watch the show. I bet you enjoyed it just as much as we did?!