
Friday, May 27, 2016

Writing For A Purpose

Did you know there will be a disco later this term? Miss McKenna told us about the disco and we were very excited! We thought about what theme we might like the disco to be. Some of our ideas were:

  • a Disney theme
  • a superhero theme
  • a Michael Jackson theme
  • a Superman theme
  • a onesie theme
  • a Wonder Woman theme.

As we have been learning to write letters we decided to write letters to Mrs Kopua to persuade her to have the theme we each wanted. After we wrote our letters Miss McKenna published them for us and then they got put in envelopes.

Today we went to post the letters in the school mailbox. We wonder what Mrs Kopua will say and we're excited to find out! Will we persuade her? Keep an eye on our blog and we'll let you know...

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Making Connections Like A Spider Makes A Web

During group reading time yesterday Deevon's group read the book 'Sausages'. In the book Tom and Dad see Mum sleeping and dad says 'Sh-sh-sh!' as they sneak past her to find the sausages in the fridge.

Nobody in Deevon's group knew what sound s and h make when they go together but then Deevon did some great thinking. "It's sh!" he said. "Like 'sheep'." He pointed across the room to a poster Miss McKenna had put up of sounds different letters make when they go together.

Well done for making connections Deevon - that was great thinking! Just like a spider makes connections when it lays out its web and joins pieces of silk together to make its web strong - you were pulling together pieces of information together to help your brain get stronger and learn. And you helped your group with their learning too!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Holy Spirit Is Like The Wind

In Room Two we have been learning about the Holy Spirit. God, the Holy Spirit, is like the wind because we cannot see it but we can feel it. We went outside for a 'Wind Walk' and we felt the cold wind on our cheeks. That's how we knew it was there - because we could feel it. We could see it working too.

We saw the wind working when it made leaves and branches sway. We saw the wind working when it blew our friends' hair around their faces. Today we made paper planes and we saw the wind working when it blew our paper planes around!

The wind was strong, not weak. It helped some of our planes to fly and it blew some of them right back at us! We talked about how the Holy Spirit is strong too. At Pentecost it made the disciples joyful and brave, and it can help us, too.

The children in Room Two are bringing home their paper planes today. Have fun flying them at home (when the storm passes) and talk about how the Holy Spirit of God blows like the wind. We cannot see it, but we know it is there!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Congratulations Rosina, Valentino, Aden and Trelia!

A belated congratulations to Rosina, Valentino, Aden and Trelia who all received certificates during the first two weeks of school this term. Valentino received his for good effort in reading. Like we all do, Valentino sometimes makes mistakes when he reads aloud. Lately he has been doing a good job of fixing those mistakes by checking what he has read 'looks right'. Well done Valentino!

Rosina got her certificate for being curious and asking good questions about what we are learning. Keep up the good questioning Rosina!

Aden received his certificate for improving the way he manages himself in the classroom. Aden is doing this in lots of ways - such as asking for help when he needs it. Good thinking Aden! Aden is also doing a good job of managing his responsibilities (such as putting out our lunchbox box each morning). Thank you Aden!

Trelia's certificate is for increasing participation in the classroom. Well done Trelia - you are joining in more confidently. Keep it up!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Room 2 at Kiwi Sport

Today we had our first of seven sessions of Kiwi Sport, Turbo Touch with our coach Trevor.

The children participated in some fun drills which are designed to build their skills in the game of Turbo Touch.  Turbo Touch is a relatively new game that combines Netball, Rugby, Rugby League, Hockey, Soccer, Basketball and Touch.  It is a fast-paced game in which the ball can be passed in any direction rather than in traditional touch where it cannot be passed forwards.  

Jumping over 'crocodiles'

Jumping over 'crocodiles'

Jumping over 'crocodiles'

Zig-zag running.

Zig-zag running.

Zig-zag running.

Circle running.

Circle running.

Circle running with the ball!

Circle running with the ball!

Playing Follow The Leader

We are looking forward to our next Kiwi Sport session already!!

Lucky Deevon!

Congratulations to Deevon who got his name pulled out of the Values Voucher draw last Thursday. He got to go with Mrs Kopua to choose a prize.

What a cool book on crocodiles he chose - you'll have to come and teach us some things about crocodiles once you've read it Deevon!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the special mums of our Room Two children. The children spent time this week thinking about why their mums are special to them and then they wrote and decorated cards for their mothers because...

...we love our mums to pieces! We hope you liked the cards and special messages we wrote to put in them. Here are some photos of us making the cards:

...and a special message from us:

Enjoy the rest of your day mums!

Friday, May 6, 2016


Two special visitors came to Room Two with their mums this morning. Helina and Aubrey joined us for the morning so we could introduce ourselves and get to know each other before they start school in the next few weeks. Some of you might know them already because Helina is Betty's younger sister and Aubrey is Ronnie's younger sister!

Two of our older girls offered to be Helina and Aubrey's buddies for the morning. Ayla paired up with Helina and Ashleigh buddied up with Aubrey. They had lots of fun together at all our reading stations including...

...drawing and writing on the small whiteboards...

...playing learning games on the iPads...

...and doing magic writing!

We are so looking forward to when Helina and Aubrey turn five and officially start school. Thanks for joining us today girls. Enjoy your presents from Duffy Books in Homes - your pink book bags look great; see you soon!

NB: If you have a child turning five soon and you'd like to come for a pre-visit before they start at Christ the King, just give our office a call on (09) 626-7123 to arrange a time that suits you.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Who got the most Values Vouchers in Room Two last term?

Values Vouchers are awarded at Christ the King Catholic School to children who are displaying our school values which are...

...respect, love, service, justice, peace and joy.

Aden got the most Values Vouchers out of the boys in Room Two and Trelia got the most Values Vouchers out of the girls.

How many vouchers did Aden get altogether? Nine! Trelia got eight. Well done Aden and Trelia! Who will get the most Values Vouchers this term?

Congratulations Ayla and Rosina!

A belated congratulations to Ayla and Rosina who received awards at the end of last term. Ayla got her certificate for bringing joy and enthusiasm to all our learning. It is so great to see Ayla's positive attitude to school. She is always smiling and has so much energy for her own learning - and to give to others! Thank you Ayla.

Rosina received her award for managing herself by always being prepared for learning. One of the Key Competencies of the New Zealand Curriculum is 'Managing Self' and Rosina does a good job of this. She always makes sure she has what she needs for school by getting ready the night before and she was always especially well-prepared for swimming. Well done Rosina - you have been a good example for the other children!